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Leandro NARDI

Professeur Assistant

Stratégie et Politique d'Entreprise

 Profile picture


Leandro Nardi is an assistant professor in the Strategy and Business Policy Department at HEC Paris and a research affiliate at the S&O Institute. He also holds visiting researcher appointments at INSEAD’s Ethics and Social Responsibility Initiative and at Insper Metricis.

Leandro’s research spans the vast intersection of strategic management and social performance, including topics such as strategic corporate social responsibility (CSR), socio-environmental impact, stakeholder strategy, social and public value creation, and sustainability. A key tenet of his research is the focus on a broad conceptualization of performance, comprising both financial and nonfinancial dimensions. In particular, he strives to understand how companies can reconcile profitability goals with positive socio-environmental impact.

Prior to joining the Strategy and Business Policy Department, Leandro was a research fellow with the S&O Institute at HEC Paris. He received his Ph.D. in Business Economics from Insper Institute of Education and Research. During his doctoral studies, Leandro held visiting research appointments at the David Eccles School of Business, University of Utah, and at INSEAD’s Ethics and Social Responsibility Initiative.

Articles scientifiques

Can Public Organizations Perform Like Private Firms? The Role of Heterogeneous Resources and Practices

Organization Science, juillet-août 2023, vol. 34, n° 4, pp 1527-1553, (in coll. with T. Teodorovicz, S. Lazzarini, S. Cabral)

The Corporate Social Responsibility Price Premium as an Enabler of Substantive CSR

Academy of Management Review, 2022, vol. 47, n° 2, pp 282-308,

Doing Well by Doing Good, Uniquely: Materiality and the Market Value of Unique CSR Strategies

Strategy Science, mars 2022, vol. 7, n° 1, pp 10-26, (in coll. with T. Zenger, S. G. LAZZARINI, S. Cabral)

Chapitres d'ouvrages

Impact measurement tools and social value creation: a strategic perspective

Handbook On The Business Of Sustainability: The Organization, Implementation, And Practice Of Sustainable Growth, G. George, Martine R. Haas, H. Joshi, A. M. McGahan, P. Tracey, Edward Elgar Publishing, 5 , 458-472

Actes de conférence

Diversity and/or Inclusion? Evidence from Disability Quota and Inclusion Laws in Brazil

2024 Academy of Management Annual Meeting , 2024 , 2024 , 1 (M. HUYSENTRUYT, T. Obloj, T. Teodorovicz)

The Impact of Technology-Supported Training on the Performance of Underserved Small Entrepreneurs

2024 Academy of Management Annual Meeting , 2024 , 2024 , 1 (O. Barros, S. Cabral, S. G. Lazzarini)

Corporate Social Responsibility, Financial Materiality, and the Challenges of Forced Migration

2022 AoM meeting , 2022 , 2022 , 1 (M. HUYSENTRUYT)

Cahiers de recherche

Articles scientifiques

Can Public Organizations Perform Like Private Firms? The Role of Heterogeneous Resources and Practices

Organization Science, juillet-août 2023, vol. 34, n° 4, pp 1527-1553, (in coll. with T. Teodorovicz, S. Lazzarini, S. Cabral)

Doing Well by Doing Good, Uniquely: Materiality and the Market Value of Unique CSR Strategies

Strategy Science, mars 2022, vol. 7, n° 1, pp 10-26, (in coll. with T. Zenger, S. G. LAZZARINI, S. Cabral)

The Corporate Social Responsibility Price Premium as an Enabler of Substantive CSR

Academy of Management Review, 2022, vol. 47, n° 2, pp 282-308,

Chapitres d'ouvrages

Impact measurement tools and social value creation: a strategic perspective

Handbook On The Business Of Sustainability: The Organization, Implementation, And Practice Of Sustainable Growth, G. George, Martine R. Haas, H. Joshi, A. M. McGahan, P. Tracey, Edward Elgar Publishing, 5 , 458-472

Actes de conférence

Diversity and/or Inclusion? Evidence from Disability Quota and Inclusion Laws in Brazil

2024 Academy of Management Annual Meeting , 2024 , 2024 , 1 (M. HUYSENTRUYT, T. Obloj, T. Teodorovicz)

The Impact of Technology-Supported Training on the Performance of Underserved Small Entrepreneurs

2024 Academy of Management Annual Meeting , 2024 , 2024 , 1 (O. Barros, S. Cabral, S. G. Lazzarini)

Corporate Social Responsibility, Financial Materiality, and the Challenges of Forced Migration

2022 AoM meeting , 2022 , 2022 , 1 (M. HUYSENTRUYT)

Cahiers de recherche


  • PhD in Business Economics, Insper Institute of Education and Research - Brésil

Nominations académiques

Responsabilités académiques à HEC

  • 2023- Professeur Assistant, Stratégie et Politique d'Entreprise HEC Paris
  • 2023- Membre du GREGHEC, le laboratoire de recherche CNRS-HEC Paris, GREGHEC HEC Paris
  • 2021-2023 Research Fellow Institut S&O

Responsabilités académiques externes

  • 2021- Chercheur visitant INSEAD

Activités scientifiques

Activités scientifiques

  • Ad - hoc Reviewer for Strategic Management Journal , Journal of Management Studies , Global Strategy Journal , Organization Studies , Strategic Organization , Journal of Business Research ; SMS Annual Conference (2021 , 2022 , 2023 ), Academy of Management Annual Mee ting (STR, SIM – 2019 , 2023 ; STR, SIM, ONE – 2020; STR – 2021 , 2022 )

  • Prix ​​& honneurs

    • 2023 Runner-Up – 2023 Best Conference Paper Prize - Strategic Management Society Annual Conference
    • 2023 Outstanding Reviewer Award – SMS Stakeholder IG, 2023
    • 2022 Outstanding Reviewer Award – SMS Stakeholder IG
    • 2022 2022 Carolyn Dexter All-Academy Award
    • 2022 2022 William C. Frederick Social Issues in Management (SIM) Doctoral Dissertation Award
    • 2021 2021 Emerald and EFMD Highly Commended Outstanding Doctoral Research Award
    • 2021 Outstanding Reviewer Award – AOM STR division
    • 2020 FEBRABAN (The Brazilian Federation of Banks) research grant – 2020 (joint with Sergio Lazzarini and Sandro Cabral)
    • 2020 2020 Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings